The Best Facial Masks For Different Skin Types
We all have different kinds of skins, prominently Normal Skin, Dry Skin, Oily Skin, Combination skin and Sensitive Skin. Most of them can be identified by certain visible signs which have been explained in detail at, take a look at them to identify your skin type. After you have identified your skin type you can simultaneously choose the skin facial mask suiting you. The facial mask is a great way to protect your skin, cleanse it and make it glowing.
Foremost facial masks help heal your skin and revitalize it to higher levels. Therefore continuing its endeavor to make your skin beautiful,Lifecellskin cream presents the best facial masks for you. We atLifecellskin believe in nature and its healing touch, therefore all the facial masks given below are 100% natural.
Facial Masks for Dry Skin
- You’ll need to mix 2 Tbsp of honey and same quantity of wheat germ oil in a bowl.
- Add finely ground almonds, around 1 Tbsp of it to the mixture with 200ml yogurt.
- Smear this paste on face until it dries of and then rinse it with water and dry pat with towel.
- Blend a ripe avocado
- Now add 4 Tbsp of plain yoghurt, blend it further till smooth and homogeneous paste is formed
- Scrub this paste on face for 10 -15 mins, after which you can clean it with water.
Facial Masks for Normal Skin
- One seed scooped and peeled apple in blender
- Add 2 Tbsp of honey to the above and run the blender till smooth
- Apply this paste on face, leave it for 30 mins and then rinse it off
- Take 8 Tbsp of ripe strawberries
- Mix 4 Tbsp cornstarch to the above to make a paste
- Apply the paste for 30 mins and then clean it off
Facial Masks for Oily Skin
- Take chopped cucumber in blender and add 1 Tbsp of yogurt to it
- To this add a cup of oatmeal; blend it for a smooth paste.
- Apply the paste for 10 mins on face and rinse with water
- In a blender add well beaten egg white, half mashed avocado and blend it
- Stop the blender and add lime juice, then blend it again.
- Apply the paste for 10- 15 mins and then thoroughly wash it with water.
Facial Masks for Combination Skin
- In bowl take 1Tbsp of Sandal wood
- To the above add milk till fine paste is formed
- Apply it on face to release excessive heat and remove blemishes. When it’s dry rinse it with cold water.
- 1 Tbsp of yogurt mixed with 2 Tbsp of mint juice.
- Mix the above and generously apply it on the face.
- Rinse it off after 10 mins to get, glowing and radiant skin.
Facial Mask for Sensitive Skin
- You need to mix 3 Tbsp of fresh cucumber juice to 2 Tbsp of Aloe Vera gel.
- To the above add 1 Tbsp of plain yogurt, mix to form plain paste.
- Apply for 15 mins and rinse with water to get clean and clear skin.
- Peel an Avocado and put into a blender
- Add 3-4 almond oil drops and then blend together to make a smooth paste
- Apply the paste for 30 mins and wash it off with lukewarm water.
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