Ever Wondered What Should Be The Best Order To Apply Skin Care Products! [Infographic]
Have you ever wondered whether it really matters to apply the skin care products in a definite order, the answer is yes. The order in which you apply the products makes more of a difference than you actually think. In order to maximize the benefits of the products they should be applied in a definite order. In all of the skincare, not only to the consumers but also to the professionals it is the most confusing issue.
Here is an infographic by Dermstore explaining best order to apply skin care products during day and night time:
First you need to figure out the right order so that the products are more effective. Most importantly you need to pay attention to the weight of the product, lightest goes first because the products that you are applying need to be able to penetrate the skin through the products you have applied before. Morning or night you should always start with a cleanser as it is the lightest skin care product and the moisturizer goes last as it is the heaviest.
If you do not apply your skin care products in a proper order, the products will not work effectively and it would definitely be a waste of time, effort and money.
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